Day 67 - One weird McDonald's fry... I'm a loser, I know...

Day 66 - On our way home we happened upon a small herd of mountain goats right at a roadside turnout as luck would have it. We were able to get fairly close.

Day 65 - The day that "The Itch" took over. So most of us ended up with a good case of the Swimmer's Itch after the hottest day, there was a little too much Beersbie going on in the water... I don't have too many of them, but the ones I have are now blistered and VERY itchy!!

Day 64 - Our dock from the beach during the day. I used a tripod again and shot the way I was told to shoot a good landscape. In Av with F25, ISO 100. I'll have to look really closely at it to see if it looks any better than the regular way I shoot!

Day 63 - I lucked out and found a cheap tripod at a market in Endersby which was great because I forgot mine! So I used it for some night time shots of the dock. The moon was very full and there were some very cool clouds in the sky. This is very new to me as these shots were taken with everything on Manual - Even the focus on my lens!! So I am quite happy with them, even if they aren't perfect.

Day 62 - This is apparently a very old Native drawing on the side of the cliff by the lake. I guess there is a picture of it that dates back to the 1930's that looks the same, but we were wondering if it hasn't been touched up. It looks to me like there is more of it on the left that is very faded.

Day 61 - I had a lot of fun with my camera in Shutter Priority (Tv) while we were out on the boat. I loved the results. This is my favorite simply because it was one of those rare moments when my finger was on the button at the perfect time. This was shot with a shutter speed of 1/8000 of a second, ISO 1000.

Day 60 - A couple of the boys on the resort found a couple of frogs and things they were carrying around. Linneah loved the frogs and was acting a bit "Almira-ish" once again. It became nap time in a hurry when she had a huge meltdown. The little boy felt so bad he asked me if she could 'Just have the little one? I don't like it when little girls cry!'

Day 59 - We reached Mabel Lake on Saturday and Carter and Linneah were very excited about the slide. That was until Linneah actually went down it that day. It was very fast and she got very wet and decided she didn't like it anymore. Not that I thought it looked in good repair!

Day 58 - First day of our vacation, on our way to Revelstoke for the night. I gave Linneah a bag of Cheezies and this was what I got!
Day 57 - The day before I started holidays I cheated and posted a favorite of mine from my couples session the previous week. It is Brittany and Martin shot on my Rebel with an F-stop of 1.8 and ISO 100. I touched it up with Florabella

Actions Allure from the Luxe collection.