Oooops! I made a mistake uploading these and now I can't number them! Well, they are Days 119 - 126, beginning at the bottom. I've gotten behind because for whatever reason, I have been experiencing technical difficulties with the site. Enjoy!
This is the story of my day job in pictures. I am a hemodialysis nurse and it is both a challenging and rewarding job. I love it somedays, and somedays all I can do is think about getting out of there to take pictures!!
Day 109 - Today I am thankful for Sunday morning pancakes with the family.Day 108 - Sunrise in the prairies. Day 107 - the crossroads where I grew up. Day 106 - Harvest 105-a - How they turned out. Day 105 - Baking apple pies!! Day 104 - Seeds.
Day 103 - Justin and Bailey's yearly birthday celebration at mom and dad's. Day 102 - Pumpkin Patch shot in Av. Unedited. Day 101 - Dayton's boots, edited with Florabella Luxe Action Pandora.
Day 100 - I honestly didn't know when I started this challenge that I was going to make it this far. I have some pretty inspiring people that keep me motivated, so thank you girls!! I am really enjoying it thus far, and I love keeping up with the other challenges while we go. Oh and today is my daughter Bailey's 11th Birthday, so Happy Birthday Honey!!